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Why is Kundli Matching Important for Marriage?

Why is Kundli Matching Important for Marriage?

Kundli matching, also known as horoscope matching or compatibility analysis, is an important practice in Hindu culture, particularly when it comes to arranged marriages. It involves comparing the birth charts (kundlis) of the prospective bride and groom to assess their compatibility and the likelihood of a successful and harmonious marriage. Here are some reasons why kundli matching is considered important:

1. Compatibility Assessment: Kundli matching helps determine the compatibility between the prospective partners on various levels, including mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual compatibility. It analyzes the planetary positions, houses, and aspects in the birth charts to identify potential areas of compatibility or conflict.

2. Assessing Long-Term Compatibility: Marriage is a lifelong commitment, and kundli matching aims to assess the long-term compatibility between the couple. It provides insights into their personalities, values, and life goals, helping to determine if they are well-suited for each other in the long run.

3. Family Harmony: Kundli matching also takes into account the compatibility between the families of the prospective bride and groom. It considers factors such as social and economic backgrounds, cultural values, and traditions to ensure compatibility and harmony between the families, which is considered important for a successful marriage.

4. Predicting Potential Challenges: Kundli matching can highlight potential challenges or areas of conflict that may arise in the relationship. By analyzing the planetary positions and aspects, astrologers can identify possible areas of disagreement or potential hurdles in the couple’s life and provide guidance on how to address and overcome them.

5. Relationship Stability: Kundli matching aims to assess the overall stability and longevity of the relationship. It takes into account factors such as the presence of beneficial planetary combinations (yogas) and the absence of malefic influences (doshas) that may impact the relationship’s stability and harmony.

6. Spiritual and Energetic Alignment: Kundli matching also considers the spiritual and energetic compatibility between the couple. It explores how the energies of the planets and celestial bodies in their birth charts interact, influencing their compatibility and overall energy dynamics.

It’s important to note that kundli matching is based on astrological beliefs and interpretations. If you want to get your kundali check for marriage then you can consult Acharya Narayan Sharma to get your kundali checked. You can connect with him on whatsapp, details are given below.

Shiva Gayatri Mantra and Its Benefits

Shiva Gayatri Mantra and Its Benefits

What is Shiva Gayatri Mantra?

|| ॐ तत्पुरुषाय विद्‍महे, महादेवाय धीमहि तन्नोरुद्र: प्रचोदयात् ||

 || Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya, Dheemahi Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat ||

Shiva Gayatri Mantra and Its Benefits:

1. Spiritual Growth: The Shiva Gayatri Mantra helps in expanding consciousness and deepening spiritual awareness. It aids in connecting with the divine energy of Lord Shiva and facilitating spiritual growth.

2. Inner Peace and Balance: Chanting the Shiva Gayatri Mantra promotes inner peace and tranquility. It calms the mind, reduces stress, and brings a sense of balance and harmony to one’s being.

3. Removal of Negativity: The mantra is said to have the power to dispel negative energies and influences. It helps in purifying the mind and removing obstacles on the spiritual path.

4. Protection and Strength: By invoking Lord Shiva’s energy through the mantra, one can seek protection from negative forces and gain strength to overcome challenges in life. It instills courage and resilience.

5. Awakening of Divine Consciousness: The Shiva Gayatri Mantra activates the higher centers of consciousness, awakening the divine energy within. It aids in the expansion of awareness, intuition, and higher perception.

6. Transformation and Liberation: Chanting the Shiva Gayatri Mantra is believed to facilitate personal transformation and liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It helps in purifying the soul and attaining liberation (moksha).

7. Blessings and Grace: Regular practice of the Shiva Gayatri Mantra invokes the blessings and grace of Lord Shiva. It cultivates a deeper connection with the divine and opens the doors to divine blessings and guidance.

It is important to note that the benefits of chanting the Shiva Gayatri Mantra are not limited to this list. The true power of the mantra lies in the sincerity, devotion, and regular practice with a pure heart and intention. It is advisable to learn the correct pronunciation and seek guidance from a knowledgeable source or guru for the proper practice of this mantra.

Also read:

शिव पूजा विधि ( Easy Shiva Puja Vidhi)

Why Do We Face Delays in Marriage? (According to the Astrology)

Sawan Month Do's & Don'ts - Rules to be Followed Strictly

Sawan Month Do’s & Don’ts – Rules to be Followed Strictly

The month of Sawan, considered auspicious in Hinduism, holds significance for devotees of Lord Shiva. While astrology provides guidance, it’s important to note that individual beliefs and practices may vary. Here are some general dos and don’ts associated with the Sawan month according to astrology:

Sawan Months Do’s

1. Fasting: Observing fasts on Mondays during the Sawan month is considered highly auspicious. Devotees abstain from consuming food and water for the entire day or opt for a restricted diet.

2. Worshiping Lord Shiva: Engage in daily worship and prayers dedicated to Lord Shiva. Offer water, milk, Bilva leaves, and other sacred items to the Shiva Lingam or the idol of Lord Shiva.

3. Chanting Mantras: Recite powerful mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva, such as the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, Shiva Gayatri Mantra or the Om Namah Shivaya mantra, to invoke divine blessings and protection.

4. Visiting Shiva Temples: Make pilgrimages to Shiva temples during the Sawan month. It is believed that visiting these sacred places and seeking the blessings of Lord Shiva amplifies spiritual growth.

5. Acts of Charity: Engage in acts of kindness and charity. Offer food, clothes, or donations to the needy as a way of showing gratitude and compassion.

6. Observing Purity: Maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness during the month of Sawan. This includes regular bathing, cleanliness of the puja area, and keeping a pure and positive mindset.

Sawan Month Don’ts:

1. Cutting Hair and Nails: It is believed that cutting hair and nails during the Sawan month is inauspicious. Devotees usually avoid these activities during this time.

2. Consuming Non-vegetarian Food and Alcohol: It is considered inauspicious to consume non-vegetarian food and alcoholic beverages during the Sawan month. Many devotees observe a vegetarian diet and refrain from alcohol during this period.

3. Starting New Ventures: Sawan is generally considered an inauspicious time for starting new ventures or making significant financial decisions. It is advisable to postpone such activities until after the month concludes.

4. Avoiding Negative Thoughts: The Sawan month is a time for spiritual growth and devotion. It is suggested to avoid negative thoughts, gossip, and indulging in arguments. Instead, focus on positive thinking and maintaining a peaceful mindset.

5. Avoiding Heavy Physical Labor: It is believed that excessive physical exertion or engaging in strenuous activities during Sawan may be inauspicious. It is recommended to take necessary precautions and avoid overexertion.

We believe, Sawan month is amazing to manifest your desires because Shiva ji himself comes on Earth to bless us all. If you are trying to manifest the love of your life or facing any marriage/relationship issues or career blockages, then you can consult Acharya Narayan Sharma ji on whatsapp, details are given below!

Why Do We Face Delays in Marriage? (According to the Astrology)

Why Do We Face Delays in Marriage? (According to the Astrology)

According to astrology, several factors can contribute to delays in marriage. These delays are believed to be influenced by planetary positions, aspects, and combinations in an individual’s birth chart. Here are some astrological factors that can potentially cause delays in marriage:

1. Malefic Influence on the Seventh House: The seventh house in the birth chart represents marriage and partnerships. If malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu occupy or aspect the seventh house, it can create delays or obstacles in marriage.

2. Affliction to Venus: Venus is the planet associated with love, relationships, and marriage. If Venus is weak, afflicted, or influenced by malefic planets, it can cause delays in finding a suitable life partner or create challenges in the relationship domain.

3. Planetary Aspects and Combinations: The aspects and conjunctions of planets in the birth chart can affect marriage timing. Challenging aspects or combinations involving the seventh house, Venus, or the ruler of the seventh house can lead to delays or obstacles in marriage.

4. Dasha and Bhukti Periods: In Vedic astrology, specific planetary periods or dashas play a significant role in determining the timing of events. If the dasha or bhukti periods of the planets associated with marriage are unfavorable or weak, it can contribute to delays in marriage.

5. Karmic Factors: Delays in marriage can also be attributed to karmic factors and lessons that an individual needs to learn before entering into a lifelong commitment. It is believed that certain karmic patterns or unresolved past relationships may need to be addressed and resolved before marriage can occur.

If you too are facing delays in your marriage then feel free to consult Acharya Narayan Sharma ji to read kundali for marriage and get easy and affective remedies. You can direct contact him via whatsapp, details are given below.

Also read:

How to Do Daily Pooja at Home?- रोज की पूजा कैसे करें

शिव पूजा विधि ( Easy Shiva Puja Vidhi)

शिव पूजा विधि ( Easy Shiva Puja Vidhi)

शिव पूजा विधि ( Easy Shiva Puja Vidhi)

शिव पूजा, या भगवान शिव की पूजा करना, हिंदू धर्म में एक पवित्र और भक्तिपूर्ण अभ्यास है। माना जाता है कि सावन के महीने में शिव जी की पूजा करना से भगवान शिव सभी इच्छाओं की पूर्ति करते है | आइये जानते है शिव पूजा विधि |

शुरुआत करने से पहले कहिये – हर हर महादेव / HAR HAR MAHADEV

शिव पूजा विधि

शिव पूजा विधि ( Easy Shiva Puja Vidhi)
शिव पूजा विधि ( Easy Shiva Puja Vidhi) | image source

अपने आप को शुद्ध करें: अनुष्ठान स्नान के माध्यम से या अपने हाथ, पैर और चेहरे को धोकर खुद को शुद्ध करने से शुरुआत करें। यह शरीर और मन को शुद्ध करने में मदद करता है, आपको पूजा के लिए तैयार करता है।

उपयुक्त स्थान चुनें: अपना पूजा क्षेत्र स्थापित करने के लिए एक स्वच्छ और शांतिपूर्ण स्थान खोजें। यह एक अलग कमरा, एक छोटी वेदी या एक निर्दिष्ट स्थान हो सकता है।

पूजा वेदी स्थापित करें: एक साफ कपड़े या एक सजाए गए मंच पर भगवान शिव की तस्वीर या मूर्ति रखें। आप अन्य पवित्र वस्तुएं जैसे फूल, धूप, दीपक (दीया), और पवित्र जल (गंगाजल) भी शामिल कर सकते हैं।

प्रसाद (उपचार): भक्ति और सम्मान के प्रतीक के रूप में भगवान शिव को विभिन्न वस्तुएं अर्पित करके पूजा शुरू करें। इन प्रसादों में ताजे फूल, फल, दूध, शहद, दही, घी (स्पष्ट मक्खन), मिठाई (प्रसाद), और पवित्र तुलसी के पत्ते (तुलसी) शामिल हो सकते हैं। आप बेलपत्र भी चढ़ा सकते हैं, जो भगवान शिव के लिए शुभ माना जाता है।

जप और पाठ: भगवान शिव को समर्पित पवित्र मंत्रों और प्रार्थनाओं का जाप पूजा का एक अभिन्न अंग है। सबसे लोकप्रिय मंत्र “ओम नमः शिवाय” है। आप भगवान शिव को समर्पित अन्य भजनों और स्तोत्रों का भी पाठ कर सकते हैं।

अभिषेकम (अनुष्ठान स्नान): मंत्रों का जाप करते हुए शिव लिंगम या भगवान शिव की मूर्ति पर पवित्र जल, दूध, या दूध और पानी का मिश्रण डालकर अभिषेकम करें। यह शुद्धि और भक्ति का प्रतीक है।

दीपक जलाना: दीया (तेल का दीपक) जलाएं और आत्मज्ञान और अपने जीवन से अंधकार को दूर करने की प्रार्थना करते हुए इसे भगवान शिव को अर्पित करें।

आरती: आरती करें, एक अनुष्ठान जहां आप भक्ति गीत गाते हुए देवता के सामने एक जलते हुए तेल के दीपक के साथ एक थाली लहराते हैं। यह भगवान शिव को प्रकाश, गर्मी और श्रद्धा अर्पित करने का प्रतीक है।

ध्यान और प्रार्थनाएँ: शांत ध्यान में बैठें, अपना मन भगवान शिव पर केंद्रित करें और अपनी प्रार्थनाएँ, कृतज्ञता और शुभकामनाएँ अर्पित करें। अपने लिए, प्रियजनों के लिए और सभी प्राणियों के कल्याण के लिए आशीर्वाद मांगें।

प्रसाद का वितरण: धन्य प्रसाद लेकर और इसे परिवार के सदस्यों और भक्तों के बीच वितरित करके पूजा का समापन करें, जो दैवीय कृपा को साझा करने का प्रतीक है।

याद रखें, हालाँकि ये चरण एक सामान्य दिशानिर्देश प्रदान करते हैं, व्यक्तिगत रीति-रिवाज और प्रथाएँ भिन्न हो सकती हैं। पूजा को ईमानदारी, भक्ति और शुद्ध हृदय से करना आवश्यक है।

Also read:

Consult Online Pandit for Kundali Matching – WhatsApp Now

How to Do Daily Pooja at Home?- रोज की पूजा कैसे करें

शिव पूजा विधि ( Easy Shiva Puja Vidhi) – शिव पूजा विधि ( Easy Shiva Puja Vidhi) – शिव पूजा विधि ( Easy Shiva Puja Vidhi) 

Best Pandit for Shaadi Puja In Delhi NCR – Pandit for Marriage

Are you looking to book best pandit for wedding in Delhi NCR? Do you want an experienced and popular Pandit in Delhi NCR to conduct the wedding puja? Acharya Ji is one of the popular pandits in Delhi NCR for wedding. He is here for you to conduct the wedding puja at in Delhi NCR. From here, you directly can now book Pandit ji online for wedding puja in Delhi NCR.

The process is really simple. Follow the steps below:

  • Talk to Acharya Ji on phone, whatsapp or email
  • Discuss with Acharya about the occasion, location etc.
  • Book an appointment accordingly
  • Make payment online via net banking, google pay, phone pay or Paytm
  • If you are meeting Acharya Ji in-person, you can pay by cash

Narayan Sharma ji provides performs perfect puja rituals for wedding and engagement ceremonies that will bring good luck in the lives of the newly wedded couple. His dakshina (fees) is lowest in comparison to other popular pandits but his services are the best. Most of his clients are repeat clients because of his top level puja services. He is knowledgable pandit who not just performs puja rituals but also explains the meanings of the mantras and rituals that makes it easier for everyone to understand.

Simply talk to Pandit ji on phone or whatsapp and check his availability for the wedding or engagement dates and take the discussion further.

You can also talk to pandit ji for

So, what are you waiting for? Talk to Pandit ji now and book him right now!

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रोज की पूजा कैसे करें ?

How to Do Daily Pooja at Home?- रोज की पूजा कैसे करें

रोज की पूजा कैसे करें ?

Importance of Daily Puja At Home

Daily Pooja plays a very important role in one’s life. If you perform Puja ritual steps every day in the morning, it makes Gods happy and brings you abundance, good luck, wealth and good health. 

Most of our Hindu epics and religious scriptures including, the four Vedas, Upnishads, Ramayana & Mahabharat have mentioned the importance of daily Pooja at home. 99% of successful people in the world perform daily Puja at home.

Daily Puja Vidhi

To perform Puja daily, below are the Puja ritual steps that you must follow. These steps are suitable everyone including someone who doesn’t have much time, someone who does not have much knowledge about pooja mantras and even this is good pooja for beginners. Simply follow the steps:

  • Take bath and wear neat clothes

  • Go to your home temple

  • Ring the bell

  • Do ‘Namaste’ or ‘Pranaam’ in front of the Gods

  • Remove old flowers and clean the temple with a neat clothe or feather brush

  • Take clean water and sprinkle on the temple. This resembles giving bath to the almighty

  • Take Gangajal in your hands and drink it. This is to purify your own self from within

  • Put Tilak on each and every photo of God and the Murti you have in your home temple

  • Put fresh flowers on the feet of the Gods

  • Light diyas, agarbatti or dhoop-batti

  • Chant mantras

  • Ring the bell again

  • Do Namaste again to complete the puja ritual steps

Tips to Remember:

  • If you are looking to chant daily pooja mantras but you don’t know many mantras, simply chant Gayatri Mantra or chant ‘Om Namah Shivaay’ as many times as you can

  • Best time to do pooja at home is from early morning around 5 AM till 10 AM. Although, you can do Puja a little later also but not after 12:00 PM

  • In the evening, you best time to do puja at home is from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM

The types of mantras to chant while doing your daily puja also depends on your kundali and planets. You can consult Pandit Narayan Sharma ji to know the best suitable mantras to chant for your daily puja at home. 

Simply click on the whatsapp button you see on the screen to connect with Pandit ji instantly. You may also ask him if you have any other queries about your work, relationship, family, growth, career and life. Pandit Narayan Sharma ji is the best pandit in Delhi NCR and one of the top pandits in India with clients from all across the world as he also performs Puja online, puja on call and video call. 

Contact Us Now, If You Are Looking For:

Pandit in Delhi NCR, Best Astrologer in South Delhi, Contact Best Pandit in South Delhi, Book Pandit For Puja in South Delhi, Famous Pandit in South Delhi, Book Pandit Online in Old Delhi, Consult Pandit Online For Kundali, Puja on Video Call, Pandit Ji New Delhi, Pandit ji Old Delhi, and Vastu Shastra specialist in Delhi NCR. how puja is peformed – daily puja ritual steps – daily pooja mantras – best time to do pooja at home – pooja for beginners 

Contact Us Now, If You Are Looking For:

Best Astrologer in South Delhi, Contact Best Pandit in South Delhi, Best Astrologer in KalkaJi, Best Astrologer in East of Kailash, Book Pandit For Puja in South Delhi, Famous Pandit in South Delhi, Book Pandit Online in Old Delhi, Consult Pandit Online For Kundali, Puja on Video Call, Pandit Ji New Delhi, Pandit ji Old Delhi, Best Pandit in North Delhi, Popular Pandit in West Delhi, Best Pandit in East Delhi, Book Online Pandit for Puja in Noida, Book Online Pandit for Puja in Ghaziabad, Book Online Pandit for Puja in Faridabad and Vastu Shastra specialist in Delhi NCR. 

Consult Online Pandit for Kundali Matching - Acharya Narayan Sharma

Consult Online Pandit for Kundali Matching – WhatsApp Now

Ancient Vedic Astrology has a proven method of Kundali matching based on planets and its positions, which is called Guna Milap. This is commonly known as Kundali Matching or Kundli Milan process which plays a very important role in a wedding, especially a Hindu wedding. For the successful marriage and a happy married life ahead, it is important to analyse the gunas of both the girl and the boy before marriage. It is also an excellent method to check the compatibility of the couple. Kundali Matching is the first step in planning a wedding.

Best Online Pandit for Kundali Matching and Match-making, Acharya Narayan Sharma is the Best Pandit in Delhi and renowned astrologer in India who can help you check the compatibility of the couple and do the Kundali Matching online. His Upaaye or solutions have worked wonders for the clients from all across the world.

You Can Find a Perfect Partner Through Kundali Matching/Kundli Milan:

According to Astrology, the concept of Kundali Matching or Horoscope Analysis is very important. The first step of fixing a marriage is getting the Kundali matched of the girl and the boy. This is very important to check the compatibility between the would-be couple. Not just the compatibility, but the Graha Doshas (also known as Planetary Doshas) like Mangalik Dosha, etc are also checked in both the Kundalis. Once everything is checked, Shubh Mahurat (the auspicious dates) for the ceremonies are checked.

Acharya Narayan Sharma ji is an expert in Kundali Matching. With years of experience in wedding rituals, kundali matching and solving love marriage problems, Acharya Sharma ji is the best Pandit in Delhi to help you out. No matter what your location is, Acharya ji will help you with Online Kundali Matching at a very nominal price. Or if you are from Delhi NCR, you can meet the Acharya ji in person to discuss the same.

If you wish to consult Acharya ji online, the easiest way is to message in on Whatsapp via Whatsapp button you see on the screen. Alternatively, you can also call Acharya ji or email him for a discussion.

You can pay the Dakshina (fees) via Google Pay or Paytm or Pay in Cash if you are meeting him. 

Pandit ji also performs:

  • Graha shanti puja
  • Manglik dosh nirvan puja
  • Late marriage solution puja
  • Marriage/Engagement puja
  • Love marriage solution through puja & jaap
  • Proxy chanting of mantras for various problems in life
  • All kinds of puja & rituals

Whatsapp him now!

Sawan Month : Sawan Somvar Puja Vidhi & Tips to Follow

Sawan 2021 : Sawan Somvar Puja Vidhi & Tips to Follow

pandit in delhi

Sawan Month 2021 : Sawan Somvar Puja Vidhi, Significance & Tips to Follow

Sawan Mahina or Shravan Maas is a holy month of Lord Shiva. According to Hindu religion, this is Lord Shiva’s favourite month. It is believed that if a person does Puja and observes fasting (vrat) for Lord Shiva, especially on the Mondays of Sawan Mahina (Sawan Somvar Vrat), Lord Shiva grants the wishes of the observer.

Sawan 2021 Date & Sawan Somvar Dates:

This year, Sawan Mahina begins on 25 July 2021 and ends on 22 August 2021. 

These are the dates of 4 Sawan Somvars on Sawan 2021:

July 26 – First Sawan Somvar

August 2 – Second Sawan Somvar

August 9 – Third Sawan Somvar

August 16 – Fourth Sawan Somvar

Sawan Puja Vidhi & Tips to Follow:

On the Monday of Sawan Month, it is good to observe fast (vrat) for Lord Shiva. To manifest your wishes faster, bestow Jal (water) and Phool (flowers) on the Shivalinga in the temple. 

Most of the people keep fast only on the first and last Mondays, although keeping fast on all the Mondays is beneficial. 

It is believed that if unmarried girls keep fasts on the Mondays of Sawan Month, Lord Shiva grant them their choice of Husband.

(Matlab, agar Kuwari kanya Sawan Somvar ke vrat rahe to unko unke iccha anusar var ki praapti hoti hai)

How to Do Sawan Somvar Puja?

  • Wake up early in the morning
  • Wear washed and clean clothes
  • Go to nearest Shiva Temple or do puja in your home’s temple 
  • Bestow Gangajal and milk on Shivalinga (Gangajal & Dhoodh chadhaye)
  • Do Puja using all the Puja Samagri 
  • Bestow flowers
  • Chant Shiva Chalisa at least once

Bonus Tip: Chant Om Namah Shivaay everyday during this month to improve your life and see miracles. 

For details, whatsapp Acharya ji to talk to him or book him for daily puja and Sawan special puja. Acharya ji has thousands of clients from all across the nation where he performs Puja on phone. Acharya Narayan Sharma ji is the best Pandit in Delhi NCR and one of the most famous astrologers in India. Call or Whatsapp to take his suggestions & discuss further.

Popular Puja

Contact Us Now, If You Are Looking For:

Best Astrologer in South Delhi, Contact Best Pandit in South Delhi, Best Astrologer in KalkaJi, Best Astrologer in East of Kailash, Book Pandit For Puja in South Delhi, Famous Pandit in South Delhi, Book Pandit Online in Old Delhi, Consult Pandit Online For Kundali, Puja on Video Call, Pandit Ji New Delhi, Pandit ji Old Delhi, Best Pandit in North Delhi, Popular Pandit in West Delhi, Best Pandit in East Delhi, Book Online Pandit for Puja in Noida, Book Online Pandit for Puja in Ghaziabad, Book Online Pandit for Puja in Faridabad and Vastu Shastra specialist in Delhi NCR. 

Diwali Laxmi Puja for Money, Success & Profit in Business

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रोज की पूजा कैसे करें ?

Diwali Laxmi Puja

Diwali is the festival of Lord Ganesha and Maa Laxmi. People worship Maa Laxmi every year on Diwali for money, success in work and profit in business. It is said that if this puja is done correctly, then Maa Laxmi showers abundance upon the worshipper. 
Pandit Narayan Sharma is one of the best Pandits in Delhi NCR with having Yajman (clients) from all across the world. If you are in Delhi NCR, book Pandit ji to perform puja at your home and office for Diwali to reap maximum benefits of the Shubha Mahurat in Diwali.
You can also Chat with Pandit ji on Whatsapp to ask your concerns and doubts and get tips from him to make Maa Laxmi and Lord Kubera happy to attain success and get maximum profits in your business.

Diwali Puja for Money, Wealth & Abundance

Apart from the Ganesha Laxmi puja that is done on Diwali, Laxmi Puja, Maha Laxmi Puja or Kubera puja is also done for wealth and money shower. It is said that by doing these puja, whether your business is new or old, you get best results and see profits. If you are freelancer or a startup entrepreneur, then this puja helps you in progress and profits in your work as well. We advise that the puja should be done by Pandit who has experience in doing this Diwali puja for work and business. Pandit Narayana Sharma ji has helped over 1000s of people to get maximum profits in their business and work. Talk to Pandit ji and discuss your issues and concerns, he will suggest you the best remedies and will also suggest you more about this Diwali Puja for money, wealth, profits and abundance. 

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“Pandit Narayan sharma ji is very helpful, my new business is doing so well” – Kanika Rastogi, Noida

“His kundali predictions and readings is very apt and his solutions are very effective. Best thing this, he is available on whatsapp for quick solutions” – Anamika Mishra, Kanpur

“I booked pandit ji online, his services are budget-friendly and his is very knowledgeable. I am so happy with this puja ritual” – Kumar Aniket, New Delhi

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