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Puja to Get Job Quickly, Puja to Get Job Quickly, Puja to Get Job Quickly

Finding a good job is a crucial aspect of life, bringing stability, satisfaction, and growth. However, sometimes despite our best efforts, we face obstacles in our career. Vedic astrology can help understand these challenges and offer remedies to overcome them through specific pujas. Let’s explore how to see if your career is strong or weak in your kundali (birth chart), which planets influence your career, what causes obstacles, and the powerful puja to secure a job.

How to See if Your Career is Strong or Weak in Your Kundali

Your kundali provides insights into your career prospects through various astrological indicators:

  1. 10th House (House of Career): This house is the primary indicator of your profession. A strong and well-placed 10th house and its lord suggest a successful career.
  2. Planets in the 10th House: Benefic planets like Jupiter, Mercury, and the Sun in the 10th house indicate good career prospects, while malefic planets may pose challenges.
  3. Ascendant (Lagna): The position of your ascendant and its lord also play a significant role in determining your career strength.
  4. Dasha and Transits: Favorable planetary periods (dasha) and transits can boost your career, while unfavorable ones might bring obstacles.

Which Planets Influence Your Career

Certain planets have a strong influence on your career:

  1. Saturn (Shani): Represents hard work, discipline, and perseverance. A well-placed Saturn indicates steady progress, while a weak Saturn may cause delays and obstacles.
  2. Jupiter (Guru): Symbolizes wisdom, growth, and prosperity. A strong Jupiter brings opportunities and success.
  3. Mercury (Budh): Governs communication, intellect, and business skills. A benefic Mercury enhances job prospects and career growth.
  4. Sun (Surya): Represents authority, leadership, and confidence. A strong Sun signifies a powerful and successful career.

What Causes Obstacles in Career

Various factors can create obstacles in your career:

  1. Weak or Afflicted Planets: Malefic influences or weak placement of career-related planets can hinder progress.
  2. Planetary Doshas: Doshas like Shani Dosha or Rahu-Ketu Dosha can cause instability and challenges in your job.
  3. Unfavorable Dasha/Transits: Certain planetary periods or transits might bring difficulties and setbacks.
  4. Karmic Influences: Past life karmas can impact your present career, causing obstacles and delays.

Powerful Puja to Get a Job

Performing specific pujas can help remove obstacles and attract job opportunities. Here are some powerful pujas for career success:

  1. Ganapati Puja: Worshiping Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, is highly beneficial. Chanting Ganapati Atharvashirsha or Ganesh Mantra can help overcome career challenges.
  2. Navagraha Puja: This puja pacifies the nine planetary deities, ensuring their favorable influence on your career. It helps in mitigating the negative effects of malefic planets.
  3. Shani Puja: If Saturn is causing delays and obstacles, performing Shani Puja can appease the planet and bring stability and progress in your career.
  4. Jupiter Puja: A strong Jupiter is essential for career growth. Performing Guru Puja can enhance wisdom, prosperity, and job opportunities.
  5. Saraswati Puja: For success in education and intellectual pursuits, worshiping Goddess Saraswati can be beneficial. Chanting Saraswati Mantras can enhance knowledge and career prospects.

Get the Puja Done by Expert Acharya Narayan Sharma Ji

Acharya Narayan Sharma Ji is a renowned astrologer and Vedic priest with deep expertise in performing these powerful pujas. His profound knowledge and personalized approach ensure that the puja is done with precision and devotion, bringing divine blessings for career success.

He will first check your kundali to see what is causing the obstacles and then he will suggest which is the best puja for you. He is a very friendly and understanding pandit and your confidentiality is 100% assured. His dakshina is also very minimal, so you dont have to worry about it. He conducts puja in-person or on video call/voice call or as per your convenience.

To book a puja with Acharya Narayan Sharma Ji, simply click the whatsapp button or call button on the screen to get in touch with him directly. Pandit ji apki zarur se sahayta karenge.

Jai Shri Krishna! Puja to Get Job Quickly, Puja to Get Job Quickly, Puja to Get Job Quickly

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