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“Budh Vakri” also known as Mercury retrograde is a powerful time according to Vedic astrology. Mercury is called “Budh,” and “Vakri” means retrograde motion. When Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit around the Sun, it is said to be in a retrograde phase.

During Mercury retrograde, astrologers believe that the energy of Mercury becomes more intense and may influence various aspects of life, including communication, travel, technology, and decision-making. It’s often considered a time when misunderstandings, delays, and disruptions are more likely to occur.

While Mercury retrograde can seem daunting, there are simple puja remedies that individuals can practice to navigate this astrological phase more smoothly.

Powerful Puja Remedies for Mercury Retrograde

1. Ganesha Puja:

Initiating with a Ganesha Puja is a traditional way to start any auspicious event or to overcome obstacles. Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, is revered in Hinduism as the one who grants success and prosperity. By offering prayers and seeking his blessings, individuals believe they can overcome the challenges posed by Mercury retrograde.

2. Budh Mantra Chanting:

Budh, the ruling planet of Mercury in Vedic astrology, is associated with intellect, communication, and commerce. Chanting the Budh Mantra during Mercury retrograde is believed to enhance communication skills, promote clarity of thought, and reduce the negative effects of Mercury’s retrograde motion.

3. Green Tara Puja:

In Tibetan Buddhism, Green Tara is revered as a compassionate deity who swiftly comes to the aid of those who invoke her. Performing a Green Tara Puja during Mercury retrograde is believed to bring about protection from obstacles, clarity of mind, and swift resolution of issues related to communication and travel.

4. Offering Green Fruits and Vegetables:

Mercury is associated with the color green, and offering green fruits and vegetables during its retrograde period is considered propitious. It is believed that offering these items to deities associated with Mercury or consuming them as part of one’s diet during this time can help mitigate the adverse effects of Mercury retrograde.

5. Mindfulness and Meditation:

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help individuals stay centered and calm during Mercury retrograde. By cultivating a sense of inner peace and clarity, individuals can navigate through challenges with greater ease and grace.

But just know that these affects and remedies differ from person to person as each person has a different kundali depending upon Grah Nakshatras and Doshas. We highly recommend you to talk to our expert Pandit Narayan Sharma ji to get your kundali check and see what needs to be done. His remedies are 100% effective and very easy to follow. He also conducts online puja on call and video call, for people from all across the world.

Pt. Narayan Sharma ji is the best Pandit in Delhi NCR and best pandit in Udaipur and one of the most famous astrologers in India with clients from all across the world. Pandit ji is available to come to perform puja in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Ghaziabad & Udaipur or he can also perform online puja on call or video call. Connect with him today. His remedies are easy and very effective. Click on the WhatsApp button to talk to him today!

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