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Do you often fight with your partner at home? Are you experiencing a break-up? If yes, it could be due to the planets in your horoscope. Let’s understand the real reason behind relationship problems.

Sometimes, planets can negatively affect your relationship, causing break-ups. These planets have a strong connection with you. When they are in a favorable position, everything goes well. However, when they are not, things can go wrong.

This also applies to married couples. If husband and wife are constantly fighting or not getting along, the planets could be to blame. Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu are the four planets responsible for divorce. If couples don’t want to stay together, these planets might be the cause.

When you don’t succeed in love, or if you have temporary happiness followed by constant arguments and eventually a break-up or divorce, it means the planets governing your relationships (Panchamesh and Saptamesh) are troubled in your horoscope.

If your horoscope shows a combination of Rahu, Ketu, and Moon, you may face problems in your love life. The Moon can change your thoughts, increasing the chances of a break-up.

Due to these planets, relationships can end in break-ups or divorces. Saturn can cause irritability, leading to frequent fights. Over time, you might not even want to see each other. Rahu and Ketu also play a significant role in breaking relationships, creating meaningless conflicts.

To avoid these issues, try to stay calm and worship Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesha.

But just know that these affects and remedies differ from person to person as each person has a different kundali depending upon Grah Nakshatras and Doshas. We highly recommend you to talk to our expert Pandit Narayan Sharma ji to get your kundali check and see what needs to be done. His remedies are 100% effective and very easy to follow. He also conducts online puja on call and video call, for people from all across the world.

Pt. Narayan Sharma ji is the best Pandit in Delhi NCR and best pandit in Udaipur and one of the most famous astrologers in India with clients from all across the world. Pandit ji is available to come to perform puja in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Ghaziabad & Udaipur or he can also perform online puja on call or video call. Connect with him today. His remedies are easy and very effective. Click on the WhatsApp button to talk to him today!

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